Integrate and observe your CI/CD tooling

Show developers what needs attention. More transparency, less hassle.

Swingletree processes reports generated by your CI/CD tooling, transforms them into a developer-readable format, applies defined quality gates and attaches the information directly to your commits and Pull-Requests.

GitHub Integration

Swingletree uses the GitHub Checks API to annotate findings in your commits and pull requests. Supports GitHub Enterprise.

Gitea Integration

Provides integration to Gitea using the Gitea Commit Status API.

Keep track

View build information via the Swingletree webinterface or use Grafana/Kibana to process the stored data into neat graphs.


Swingletree stores the results of received build reports in GitHub and ElasticSearch.


Swingletree provides a framework for custom plugins. Integrate your custom tooling with your own plugin.

Quality Gates

Quality Gates are configurable and are enforced using GitHub Check Runs.


SonarQube Developer Edition

Swingletree can act as a SonarQube webhook endpoint. It will consume the SonarQube API to acquire additional data to assemble the build report (see showcase).

Twistlock Scan Reports

Swingletree can process Twistlock Security Scan Reports. Security findings are transformed to a readable format and are published to the according commit in GitHub.

Gradle Build Metrics

Swingletree can process reports of the Nebula Gradle Build Metrics plugin, enabling you to get a detailed overview of the builds performed in your organization.

OWASP Zap Reports

Swingletree can process OWASP Zap Scan JSON-reports. Security findings are transformed to a readable format and are published to the according commit in GitHub.

TestNG Reports

Swingletree can process reports in the TestNG format. Failing tests are annotated in Pull-Requests and Commits.

JUnit Reports Sponsorware Feature

Swingletree can process reports in the JUnit XML format. Failing tests are annotated in Pull-Requests and Commits.

Custom Plugins

Swingletree can be extended using custom plugins. You can find extra information on how to do this in the documentation.