TestNG Plugin

TestNG is a testing framework. Test results can be aggregated to a xml report, which this plugin is able to read.


The Swingletree TestNG Plugin offers following functionalities:

  • Extracts and attaches information from TestNG reports to Commits and Pull-Requests in GitHub.

Processed data is persisted to ElasticSearch (if enabled) and can be processed to reports using Kibana or Grafana.

Sending a scan report to Swingletree

Yoke CLI can be used to send a TestNG report. See the docs covering yoke to learn how to send reports with ease.

A Swingletree webhook is published when the TestNG Plugin is enabled. It accepts a TestNG report in XML format as a payload and needs some additional query parameters to link the report to a GitHub repository:

POST /report/testng?org=[GitHub Organization]&repo=[Repository name]&sha=[Commit SHA]&branch=[branch]

It is recommended to protect your webhook endpoint. If you enabled webhook protection you will need to provide the authentication credentials via Basic Authentication.

Swingletree will process the report and send a Check Run Status with the context test/testng to the given GitHub coordinates.